Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Egg skelter

Here's my latest egg toy: the egg skelter.  No more stacking cartons in the fridge as the oldest eggs are always at the bottom, to be used next, while new ones go straight in at the top!  Brilliant! (Had to buy this straight from the manufacturer in Devon, England but still worth it in my opinion).

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Cosy Coupe Makeover, part II

Ok, started this ages ago, took quite a while to finish due to travel, lots of layers of paint, weather, toddler being much more active....

Step 3: Sand and paint (after constructing painting bay) - took 2 cans of pain to do 3(ish) coats

Step 4: Re-assemble

Step 5: Mask and spray on racing stripes (had to touch up the red again after doing the stripes due some spots of not very good masking)

Step 6: Re-assemble steering wheel, add new key and petrol cap (bought from Little Tikes supplier in Oz)


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Chocolate and caramel eggs

Not Easter yet, just the first egg from the new chooks.  Guess which one is from the young 'un?

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Chocolate and Caramel

Meet the newest members of the family:

Chocolate and Carmel are gold laced Wyandotte bantams - so pretty!  About 7 months old.

Had to reinstate the old coop and fence off half the new run as a quarantine area. Lots of concerned clucking from Henny, Penny and Jenny.  I'm sure they'll all get used to one another eventually.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Garden update

Spring has sprung!

Chicken palace update

Here are some shots of the palace,  now with nice big back door for easy cleaning,  private nesting box (no more dirty eggs, yay!), and berry garden in the western side.